Plymouth & District Methodist Church
About Us
Welcome to the Plymouth and Devonport Methodist Circuit website, part of the Methodist Church of Great Britain and the Plymouth & Exeter District, which stretches all the way from Somerset to the Isles of Scilly.
The Plymouth and Devonport Circuit covers an area from Ivybridge and Bittaford along the A38 to the East of Plymouth, through the City of Plymouth and across the Tamar into Cornwall to Torpoint.
Our Circuit serves rural communities, the suburbs of Plymouth together with industrial and military installations in the Devonport area and is as diverse as the city and locality we seek to serve.
The Methodist Church in Plymouth is passionate about Jesus and we are working hard to share Jesus in the community. Throughout our recent experiences of lockdown, we have been more aware than ever that God cannot be contained in a building! Across the city you will find Methodist people involved in ministries in schools, hospitals and St. Luke’s Hospice, as well as the Devon and Cornwall Police and out and about as Street Pastors.
The Circuit has close links with the Armed Forces and some of our members and Ministers are former serving personnel. We are also passionate about sharing our faith and connecting with the community through the arts. We worship together in styles which range from the traditional to contemporary, from Messy Church to Celtic. You will also find, being the Methodist Church, we eat a lot together! We acknowledge that the Methodist Church is full of diverse people who all have valuable contributions to make. We are working to make our churches welcoming and accessible to all, so that all people might find a spiritual home and a place to grow in the knowledge and love of God.
We wish you a very warm welcome and hope to see you at one of our churches soon…
Rev Al Lowe
Circuit Superintendent