Plymouth & District Methodist Church
Churches Together in Plymouth (CTiP)
Our Mission is to…
Seek God’s strategy for extending His Kingdom in Plymouth
Build up church unity of vision and mission across the city
Provide a forum for church and ministry leaders to share vision, be informed, edified and encouraged
Build city-wide networks for churches, themed groups, missions and ministries
Be a gateway for partnerships to develop between the church and city institutions
Network with unity movements in other cities across the UK
visit their website at
Mapping Church Action & Community Support
Transforming Plymouth Together & Churches Together in Plymouth have launched our new Church Map available on both organisation's websites. This resource allows visitors to find churches in their area which offer specific activities to match their needs. Plymouth's churches play such a vital part in connecting communities and our map includes toddler groups, food support, debt advice, places of welcome, job clubs, elderly lunch clubs. faith exploring opportunities, rooms to hire, cafe's, befriending and much more besides! Each church listing provides contact details and links to their own website and social media. TPT are funded to keep this map up to date so let us know if your church is active in any areas that we have missed.